A collection of reviews, interviews, and features about The Elephant in the Room (Simon & Schuster), now available at bookstores and online. Have questions about the book? Interested in setting up an appearance or book signing? Email tomlinsonwrites@gmail.com

“His story is an inspiration for all of us to live healthier — for ourselves and for our loved ones… After reading this book, you will be rooting for Tomlinson. After all, we need him around to tell more stories.” Full review
Tommy Tomlinson: How I Write
“It was almost 30 years of being a journalist until I felt comfortable pitching books.” READ MORE
Funny, poignant — Obesity memoirist to visit NWS
Columnist Anne Stanton of Traverse City Eagle gave The Elephant in the Room her “opening-to-a-random-four-pages-or-so” test for buying a book. I’ll be in Traverse City, Michigan, on Feb. 13 for the National Writers Series.
Meet the Tommy Tomlinson you don’t know – the one his loved ones didn’t know, either
Jan. 9, 2019
The Charlotte Observer, my newspaper home and a place I still love, has posted a Q&A about me and The Elephant in the Room. Thanks to Dannye Romine Powell for the thoughtful and piercing questions, and to John D. Simmons for the beautiful video (with drone footage!).