You might have seen my tweet the other day:

I don’t have a whole lot more to say about it right now, except for two things: one, it was unexpected, and two, I enjoyed every single day I worked at Sports on Earth  except for the last one. I wish the folks still there nothing but the best.

I’m not sure what’s next. I’ve heard from some people about some interesting possibilities, and I’m going to take a little time to sort things out. Plus, I have two very important fantasy football drafts coming up.

In the meantime, I’ll be posting here more often. I’m on Twitter pretty much every day, and my tweets cross-post to my Facebook account. Today I started a Tumblr about concerts I’ve been to over the years. And some other stories are coming out in various places soon — I’ll link to them when they do.

Everything’s fine. Thanks for all the kind words so far. See you on the next page.

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